September’s Rouge Reveal? More like Eartha Kitten Produced a helluva Show
When a friend says “Hey, I know it’s last minute but I have a show tomorrow tonight. Can you Photo it for me?” you might, MIGHT say yeah, possibly. When it’s burlesque performer and producer extraordinaire Eartha Kitten and the show is Rouge Reveal, an all-Black burlesque show, you throw your camera bag in the car and head to Ant Hall and experience a night of amazing performers. And the icing on the cake being it was Shimmy Laroux’s birthday. With Pandora Foxx, Fearless Amaretto, and Risky n Rye rounding out the amazing cast of dancers, the energy of the evening was only heightened by the live music from Redi Choi and the At Will Band. Nothing short of a phenomenal night.